12% Off Roses Only Vouchers, Discount Codes February 2025

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Active Deals & Promotions at Roses Only

£5 Off First Order

Use code FIRST5 for £5 off your first order. Valid for next day delivery if ordered before 9pm.

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Discovering Roses Only: A Floral Luxury Brand

Roses Only is a distinguished floral brand that has been captivating customers since its inception in 1995. Founded by James Stevens in Sydney, Australia, the brand was born out of a passion for roses and a commitment to quality. With a vision to create a luxury experience akin to "the Tiffany of flowers," Roses Only specializes in sourcing the finest long-stem roses from renowned growers in Ecuador, Colombia, and Kenya. The brand has expanded its reach globally, now serving customers across major cities including London, New York, and Los Angeles, while maintaining an unwavering focus on quality and presentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of roses does Roses Only offer?

Roses Only specializes in long-stemmed roses sourced from top growers around the world. They offer various colors and arrangements tailored for different occasions.

How are orders packaged?

Each order is packaged in a signature gift box designed to protect the roses during transit while providing an elegant presentation upon delivery.

What is the delivery process like?

Roses Only ensures timely delivery through reliable courier services. Customers can track their orders online for added convenience.

Are there any guarantees on flower freshness?

Yes, Roses Only guarantees the freshness of their flowers. They take extra care during preparation and shipping to ensure that roses arrive in optimal condition.

Can I customize my order?

Roses Only offers some customization options for arrangements depending on availability. Customers can inquire about specific requests when placing an order.

Through its commitment to quality, exceptional customer service, and luxurious presentation, Roses Only continues to be a leading name in floral gifting. Whether it's for romantic gestures or special celebrations, this brand delivers an unforgettable experience with every bouquet.

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Today's Roses Only Offers

Total Offers: 14
Voucher Codes: 13
Online Deals: 1
Best Discount: 12% Off

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Youtube Logo Youtube @RosesOnlyLondon

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