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About PowerA

PowerA is a prominent American manufacturer of video game accessories, headquartered in Woodinville, Washington. Established in 1998, the company has gained recognition for its innovative products, particularly its MOGA line of controllers designed for mobile gaming. In December 2020, PowerA was acquired by ACCO Brands for $340 million, further solidifying its position in the gaming accessories market. The brand's mission is to enhance the gaming experience for players of all levels through well-designed and affordable products.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of products does PowerA offer?

PowerA specializes in a wide range of gaming accessories including controllers, charging stations, protective cases, and headsets for various platforms like Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch.

Are PowerA controllers compatible with all gaming systems?

While many PowerA controllers are designed for specific consoles (e.g., Xbox or Nintendo Switch), they also produce cross-platform options that can be used with multiple systems.

How does PowerA ensure product quality?

PowerA maintains high manufacturing standards by utilizing durable materials and conducting rigorous testing on their products before they reach consumers.

What is the warranty policy for PowerA products?

PowerA typically offers a limited warranty on their products, covering defects in materials and workmanship. Specific warranty details can be found on their official website.

Where can I purchase PowerA products?

PowerA products are available through their official website as well as major retailers across North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Latin America.

Today's PowerA Offers

Total Offers: 7
Voucher Codes: 7
Online Deals: 0
Best Discount: 10% Off

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