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Insure4music Discount Codes, Vouchers & Special Offers February 2025

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Insure4music: Protecting Musicians' Passions

About Insure4music

Insure4music, a division of Ripe Insurance, is a leading provider of specialist insurance solutions for musicians, bands, and music teachers in the UK. Founded with the mission of offering comprehensive coverage at affordable prices, Insure4music understands the unique needs of the music community and strives to ensure that musicians can focus on their craft without worrying about the risks associated with their instruments and equipment.


  1. What types of instruments and equipment are covered by Insure4music? Insure4music covers a wide range of musical instruments and equipment, including guitars, keyboards, drums, amplifiers, and more. They also provide coverage for laptops and other electronic devices used for music production.

  2. Can I insure my instruments and equipment if they are stored outside my home? Yes, Insure4music provides coverage for instruments and equipment stored in various locations, including cars, vans, and venues, giving musicians peace of mind wherever and whenever they play.

  3. What is the maximum value of instruments and equipment that can be insured under a single policy? With Insure4music, musicians can insure up to £50,000 worth of instruments and equipment, with a single item limit of £15,000. If an item is less than three years old and was bought new, it will be covered on a new for old basis.

  4. Does Insure4music offer public liability insurance? Yes, Insure4music offers public liability insurance, which covers a musician's legal liability if they injure another person or damage third-party property during a performance or teaching session. This type of coverage is often required by venues before allowing musicians to perform.

  5. How can I make a claim with Insure4music? To make a claim, simply contact Insure4music's claims team, who will guide you through the process. They aim to process claims quickly and efficiently, allowing musicians to get back to making music as soon as possible.

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